April 25, 2016
Although the decision to pursue theological education often occurs in different ways and at different times in the lives of students, God is always at the center of the discernment process.
Sioux Falls Seminary is participating in God’s kingdom mission by developing systems of theological education that are affordable, accessible, relevant, and faithful. We’re committed to developing individuals for their unique callings. For many, this means finding ways to grow, serve, and be developed where God has planted them.
Last week we talked about what it actually means if the future of Sioux Falls Seminary is to be built around the idea of developing servants for their participation in the kingdom mission through affordable, accessible, relevant, systems of theological education and integrated counseling. Our article provided a brief explanation of each component. However, the best explanation may come through a story. So this week, we are sharing the story of student Paul Gericke and what affordable, accessible, and relevant has meant for him.
Paul and his wife, Tanya, are experiencing God’s faithfulness as they serve as NAB missionaries in Romania and as Paul works toward completing his theological training.
Paul is passionate about serving in the village churches as well as empowering the next generation of Romania through the ministry to which God has called him. Being on the other side of the world, and with the time and financial constraints of being a full-time missionary, Paul saw there were few opportunities to pursue his Master’s degree – until he heard about Sioux Falls Seminary.
Now, Paul is able to pursue his degree, as Sioux Falls Seminary offers a program, at nearly one-third the cost compared to other schools, that allows him to work through the curriculum while he serves in his village. The biblical, theological, and leadership education provided by the Kairos Project will have a direct impact upon the ministry of Romania and on Paul’s life.
There are many people like Paul whom God has called to engage in his work. If we are to serve them well, we must provide theological education that’s affordable, accessible, relevant, and faithful. I am excited to say that God is at work in and through Sioux Falls Seminary in order to bring about such a future!
We hope you’ll join us over the next several weeks as we share some of the exciting ways in which God has already been at work in and through Sioux Falls Seminary as we seek to develop servants for their participation in the kingdom mission.