Meeting you where you are.

Walking with you as you
discover what God has in store.

The Kairos Project is an innovative approach to theological education in which you have the opportunity to take an active role in your journey of discipleship.

It blends some of the best aspects of competency-based learning with opportunities for traditional learning experiences, customized educational pathways, and relevant learning rooted in your local community – all the while growing in your understanding of what it means to faithfully follow Jesus in your context.

But what does all of that actually mean? Let’s walk through how it works step by step.


Apply and Discern.

The first step is to discern if Kairos is right for you. You will do the normal application stuff like fill out forms and submit transcripts. More importantly, a member of our team will work with you to discern if Kairos is right for you. You can begin this process by requesting information from us or by filling out an application. A member of our team will contact you and begin the process of discernment.



After receiving an invitation to join Kairos, you will be paired with a Kairos Advisor who will walk with you as you complete Starting Well – a learning experience designed to help you prepare for your journey with Kairos.


Build a Team.

One of the most important aspects of Kairos is the mentor team that walks with you throughout your journey. Your Kairos Advisor will walk beside you as you build your mentor team and will work with you as you meet with the team for the first time.



With your team in place and the knowledge gained in Starting Well, you will work with your mentor team to define proficiency within the various outcomes in your program. We have created a Development Path that guides you through these conversations with your team.



After you have defined proficiency, you work with your team to outline the path you will take as you develop proficiency within each outcome. This path could include documentation of prior learning, scheduled learning experiences where you interact with other students and faculty in live sessions, self-paced learning where you interact with material developed by subject matter experts, or project-based learning where you work with your mentor team to craft customized learning experiences that take advantage of the work you are doing in your vocational context. Most students mix and match several different types of learning as they discover what works best for them.


Assess and Adapt.

Planning is important but perhaps more important is the ability to adapt your plans as new information becomes available. Once you begin developing proficiency within each outcome, you will continually work with your team to assess your progress and make any adaptations that are useful. You may find it is helpful to spend more time in one area and less in another or that you are already closer to demonstrating proficiency in a particular outcome than you thought you might be.



You complete your journey when you demonstrate proficiency within each outcome in your program. This is done through a life-giving and formational process called a Master Assessment Review in which you meet with your mentor team to discuss your progress, affirm what you have learned, and provide feedback on the next steps you could take as you continue in your walk with Christ and flourish in your vocation.


We have been speaking, writing, and developing content to support the movement for many years.

White Papers


A collection stories and lessons learned that describe what Kairos is and how it functions.

Blog Posts

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