We are following Jesus on mission – at all times and in all places.

As disciples of Christ, we are invited to be in a constant state of discernment.

We are following Jesus on mission – at all times and in all places. In practice, this means we are called to move in concert with the movement of the Spirit. In the Kairos community, we embrace the fact that we are a movement – a community of people with a shared set of values that is discerning, responding to, and participating in the work God is doing in each community’s vocational context.

Basically, theological education is something that must happen in a community – because discipleship happens in a community.

If you’d like to join a movement of people who name Jesus as Lord and seek to help others flourish in their vocations, there are several ways to interact with the global community of Kairos.


Enroll as a student. More than just a degree, each program at Kairos is a fully customizable journey of discipleship that provides you with opportunities to grow deeper in your faith, flourish in your vocation, and explore new horizons.

Our Degree Programs


Become a mentor. Mentors commit themselves to walking alongside students during their full educational journey. Beyond evaluators and supporters, mentors commit themselves to being co-learners with students.

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Become a partner organization. Kairos University partners with kingdom-minded organizations who rally around the work of developing followers of Jesus who flourish in their vocations for the sake of the world.

Why Partnerships?

Are you ready to take the next step with Kairos University?

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