October 15, 2016
We join our friends in the North American Baptsit Conferencein mourning the loss of alumnus Dr. Gordon Stork (MDiv & MACO ’86; DMin ’97), who served as an NAB Regional Minister, pastor, and former administrator at Sioux Falls Seminary.
Article and Annoucement from the North American Baptist Conference below:
We have lost one of God’s faithful servants in the NAB family this week. Dr. Gordon Stork went home to be with the Lord Friday while in Winnipeg for the Manitoba Baptist Association meetings this weekend. Gordon was the regional minister for the Northern Plains Region serving churches in Manitoba, Montana, North and South Dakota.
He was born and raised in Manitoba, spending his formative years in Winnipeg where his family was actively involved in Fort Richmond Baptist Church. A graduate of Sioux Falls Seminary in Sioux Falls, SD, Gordon served a variety of churches–from rural to city. He was on staff at Sioux Falls Seminary, served as a church planter in Texas, and was senior pastor of Century Baptist Church in Bismarck, ND. He began his role as regional minister in April 2015 and served tirelessly in that role.
Gordon is survived by his wife, Diane, and their three adult children: Chris and his wife, Sarah, and son Jeron; Katie Carvell and her husband, Elliot; and Jonathan and his wife, Taylor.
Gordon’s personal vision statement to “Equip disciples to make disciples,” was being lived out each and every day.
Personally, Gordon was truly my brother in Christ and ended every phone call asking about my own needs and then praying for me. I will deeply miss Gordon’s relational depth, joyful personality, and commitment to disciple others in their walk with Jesus.
–Dr. Daniel Hamil, NAB Executive Director
Gordon was a gracious & devoted follower of Jesus. He was wholehearted in his love for his family, serving pastors, and the NAB family. His passing leaves a severe void in many lives and churches. His contributions to our conference of churches and my personal life are significant. Gordon’s work will live on in those influenced by his life.
–Rev. Rick Weber, Nor Cal Regional Minister
Gordon’s new role in my life is that of mentor. He will sadly fill that role in absentia, but he is leaving behind compelling lessons of a life given to the practice of extending care, support, and spirit-anointed love. I weep at the loss of my dear friend, colleague, regional minister, and mentor. Gordon has been a gift from God. I’m painfully proud to be counted among those who will miss him dearly. And I’m honored to let my good and Godly brother continue to teach me about love.
–Rev. Bryan Hochhalter, Lead Pastor Bismarck Baptist Church
Gordon’s passing is a great loss to his family, the associations he served, the conference, and his many friends. The impact of his life will never be fully known. His legacy is that of dedication to God, service to the Kingdom, and love for the church.
–Dr. Jim Leverette, Alberta Baptist Association Regional Minister
Grieving pastors, leaders, and delegates of the MBA gathered Saturday, October 16, as part of their associational meetings to worship. Following a time of song, prayers of comfort and peace were lifted for the Stork family.