Discernment, Call, and Discipleship: Article 2

March 13, 2017

Series – Discernment, Call, and Discipleship: Article 2
Last week, we began a series of articles that we are sharing from seminary friends and partners in ministry, all of which focus on either discernment, call, or discipleship.

This week we are pleased to share an article written by Christy Fay, which was shared through her website (christyfay.com).  She feels deeply called to the study and teaching of God’s Word and is especially passionate about helping individuals understand the relevance of God’s story in their lives.  Fay lives out this passion through writing, speaking, and serving alongside her husband at Arcadia City Church in Phoenix, AZ.  We were honored to have her on campus in September 2016 as our Women in Community speaker.

You, Yes You! by Christy Fay

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