Hiller Lectureship: Invigorating Abundant Communities

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The seminary’s annual Hiller Lectureship is quickly approaching!  We look forward to hearing from this year’s guest speaker, Dr. Ralph Korner, Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at Taylor Seminary in Edmonton, AB.  We hope you will join us on Tuesday, April 30, from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at Central Church in Sioux Falls as we explore how the book of Revelation speaks to living life today.

Dr. Korner will inspire us to think about what it means to be church in a way that an abundant community of life can grow—both among the church and the neighborhoods in which the church’s people live and work. Discussion will focus on how to facilitate Kingdom-minded church life that finds its mission in a “come to” and “go to” model as well as the impact of releasing church members into missional relationships with those in their immediate neighborhoods (and not just the neighborhood where the physical building is located).

Early bird registration and a group registration discount are available.  Details are provided on the Hiller Lectureship Eventbrite page.
Books Informing the Lectureship:
The Abundant Community: Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods by John McKnight and Peter Block

An Other Kingdom: Departing the Consumer Culture by Peter Block, Walter Brueggemann, and John McKnight

–Keeping Jesus’ return imminent: playing with visionary building blocks (chapters 1, 6, 22)
–Keeping God’s people hospitably present to each other (chapters 21-22)
–Keeping God’s people missionally integrated within their neighborhoods (chapters 2-3)
–Bringing it all together: learnings, applications, and questions
About the Speaker:
In addition to his role at Taylor, Dr. Korner has previously served two North American Baptist churches in Edmonton and at Taylor University College as a campus pastor, a New Testament instructor, and an associate director in the area of student development.  He holds a Ph.D. in early Christianity and ancient Judaism from McMaster University and a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Trinity Western University in Langley, BC.  Korner has published a number of works including articles on the books of Daniel and Revelation as well as a book and articles on the Greek word that is translated “church” (Ekklesia) in the New Testament.  He is currently working on writing a book on the book of Revelation (reading it through the eyes of an ancient Jewish reader).

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