April 20, 2020
Most people who interact with Sioux Falls Seminary are surprised to learn that one of the most significant aspects of our ministry is the work we do with families, couples, and individuals through Sioux Falls Psychological Services, our in-house counseling center. The seminary serves thousands of individuals through Sioux Falls Psychological by meeting them where they are and offering them hope.
The center was founded by the late Dr. Ernie Zimbelman and his wife Dorothy in 1974. In 1991, Dr. Zimbelman gave his practice to Sioux Falls Seminary. Sioux Falls Psychological Services moved to the seminary campus, and along with being an active and growing psychological practice in the area, it became a training site for graduate students pursuing a master’s degree in counseling and marriage and family therapy at Sioux Falls Seminary. Today, the Master of Arts in Counseling provided by Sioux Falls Seminary is one of the most affordable educational programs in the region. Through its innovative design, students are able to progress through the program at their own pace while focusing heavily on the clinical aspects of therapy. To put it another way, students finish the program with the ability to integrate psychology and theology and are fully prepared to work with those God places in their care.
Building on this rich history, we have some exciting news to share! Along with the first-of-its-kind undergraduate program that we are launching through Kairos, we are also launching the first (and only) accredited, online, and integrative Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy. Before we get to the details, let’s share a bit about the amazing way God has brought this together.
When Sioux Falls Seminary and Evangelical Seminary first began talking about the possibility of a union, the leadership of both schools was struck by the commonality between the seminaries and how the different strengths at both schools could bolster that commonality. One area of commonality was a shared commitment to integrative, clinical, and high-quality programs in marriage and family therapy. Both schools had 1) clinics that offer the opportunity for students to provide therapy under the supervision of faculty who are also licensed professionals, 2) faculty who practice therapy and also teach, thereby providing unique and real-world insights for students, and 3) a commitment to integrating faith and the practice of therapy.
One of the additional strengths of Evangelical Seminary’s program was that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE), the organization that serves as the premier accreditor for marriage and family therapy programs across North America. This accreditation provides the opportunity for students who complete the program to pursue licensure in locations across North America. Over the past year, Evangelical has also received approval for its program to be offered through a fully-online experience in which students participate in courses through live video conferencing.
That leads us to the exciting news!
Because Sioux Falls Seminary and Evangelical Seminary, along with Taylor Seminary and Biblical Life Institute, have come together under the Kairos Project, we are able to launch the first (and only) accredited, online, and integrative Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy program. Students anywhere in North America can complete the program from wherever they are. In this program, students will participate in courses as they interact with students and faculty in live, synchronous learning environments, engage in localized clinical practicum experiences, and be developed into professional therapists who are able “to integrate psychology and theology and are fully prepared to work with those God places in their care.”
The program will launch this fall, and we are already accepting applications for this groundbreaking educational experience. If you would like more information or know someone who might be interested, click here.