October 16, 2023
We think relationships are an important aspect of education. That’s why we work with mentor teams, cohorts, and partner organizations. To help you get to know the people who are part of the Kairos community, we spotlight partners, faculty, alumni, students, staff, and board members from time to time. Today we are looking at one of our faculty.
Name: Christopher Bryant
Location: Vineland, NJ
Role within Kairos: Faculty Mentor and Affiliate Professor
Education:Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies; Master of Divinity; PhD, Religious Studies; PhD, Religious Education; Doctor of Ministry candidate
Teaching and Research Interests: The working of the Holy Spirit through the ordinary and extraordinary means of grace.
How to connect with Christopher: drcbryantministries@gmail.com
We asked Christopher a few questions to learn a bit more about him. Here’s what we discovered.
Why are you engaged in the work of theological education?
My journey in theological education has been both diverse and fulfilling, and it carries the legacy of a phrase my grandmother always used to say: “Education and Salvation make a mighty fine combination.” I took that adage to heart early on. My formal foray into theological education began in 2014 when I founded a Bible college to provide spiritual guidance and instruction to the Fellowship over which I was then the Presiding Bishop. This experience cemented my passion for spirituality, formation, and discipleship. I continue to educate through the Kerygma Educational System, a consortium of schools doing the work of theological education and formation.
As I transitioned into my role as a Faculty Mentor and Affiliate Professor within the Kairos community, I discovered that my administrative gifts were a natural complement to these spiritual and educational passions, enabling me to form meaningful connections with both students and faculty. I have served in a multitude of roles within congregational ministry, from janitor to lead pastor, and each has informed my approach to theological education. Ultimately, my mission is to foster spiritual growth and robust discipleship within the Body of Christ.
I see theological education as the harmonious convergence of my love for the church, my zeal for discipleship, and my aptitude for organizational development. It is one of the avenues through which I can most authentically participate in God’s transformative work among His people.
When you are teaching or working as a faculty mentor, what kinds of questions lead the way?
In my teaching and mentoring, I place a strong emphasis on the integration of theology into both personal and vocational contexts. For me, the Kairos journey allows the customization and personalization of educational paths to where individuals are right now and helps them to progress to where they are going. My approach is guided by Kairos’s focus on content, character, and craft, allowing me to ask questions that provoke thoughtful introspection. For instance, I often query, “What did you learn that you didn’t know before?” and “What does that look like in your life and vocational context?” My goal is to help them bring their content learning to bear in application and not just rote memorization.
What rhythms do you like to follow?
My day is clearly divided: mornings are for work-related activities such as research, teaching, student consultations, and managing my business The C|Suite Group, while evenings are reserved for spending quality time with my family and engaging in personal academic and devotional study.
In terms of mentorship, I follow a student-led approach, allowing students to set the schedule and pace. Given my various commitments and roles, text messages and Google Meet are my preferred methods of communication. I thrive in guiding students who are interested in a creative or alternative educational journey.
Although my schedule is packed, I understand the importance of pacing myself so that I can be both rested and responsive to my students’ needs. To help achieve this balance, I practice active listening and take steps to manage my own anxieties and be thoughtful in all my communications.
When you are not teaching, mentoring, or engaged in some other aspect of your work with Kairos, where might we find you?
When I’m not involved in my professional roles at Kairos, my evenings are usually spent enjoying quality time with my wife and children. Aside from family time, I’m often deeply engrossed in planning and creating high-quality content or writing a book. I have a special knack for conceptualizing ideas and bringing them to life.
For those moments when I need a physical outlet, the basketball court is my go-to place for some healthy competition and exercise. And when I’m in the mood to unwind, my choice of entertainment falls within procedural dramas, superhero films, and supernatural horror genres. Whether it’s solving fictional crimes, rooting for the good guys in a cosmic battle, or getting lost in a spine-chilling narrative, these genres allow me to escape and unwind.
We asked Christopher to send us a candid picture of life outside of the classroom. Here’s what he shared with us: