Kairos Learning Experiences

Return to Learning Experience Schedule


How should I use the learning experience schedule?

The Kairos learning experience schedule should be used for planning purposes in conversation with your mentor team. It is intended to provide notice of upcoming Kairos learning experiences, but it is not intended to provide detailed information like topics to be covered, required/recommended textbooks, or the course syllabus.

Where can I find more detailed information on learning experiences?

Often specific details about upcoming Kairos learning experiences are not available until 3-6 weeks prior to the start of the learning experience.

When additional details are available, the ways to learn more include:

  • Information bubble icon (on the learning experience schedule) – This icon will be located directly after the “Date & Time” heading but will only appear if there are details to be shared. If you see the bubble, hover over it and then click on it to display the additional information. To close, simply click on the X in the top right-hand corner of the bubble.
  • Pathwright Library – More detailed information on learning experiences is made available through the Pathwright Library approximately 3-6 weeks prior to the start of a learning experience. To locate a particular learning experience, you can sort by category (to the left) or use the search bar (toward the top) to find a learning experience. Once you find the experience you are searching for, click on it and explore the “About” and “Path” tabs. In most cases, you can preview course information without enrolling.
How and when do I register for a learning experience?

Registration for most learning experiences opens about 4 weeks prior to the learning experience start date. To register, find the learning experience(s) in which you wish to enroll by searching the Pathwright library. Then click on the learning experience path, select the current cohort (look to the right side of the “About” tab), and enroll.

What role does my mentor team play in the scheduled learning experiences that I take or consider taking?

It is always best to be in communication with your mentor team about your upcoming plans; this includes talking about the scheduled learning experiences you’d like to take and how the learning experience(s) might contribute to your plans and progress. Your mentor team will access to the scheduled learning experiences you are taking on Pathwright, so we strongly encourage you to talk with them about what you are learning and how it integrates into your program outcomes and degree program path.

On the learning experience schedule, why do some courses note “TBD” instead of listing day and time information?

Not all learning scheduled experiences have weekly meeting dates. If “TBD” is used in place of day and time, it either means that:

  • That schedule details have been provided within the information bubble. Hover over the information bubble icon (located directly after the Date & Time heading) and click for details. Please note that the bubble will only be available if there are additional details to share;
  • The professor and students will designate the meeting dates together;
  • That the weekly meeting day and time have not yet been selected.
What’s the difference between a scheduled learning experience (SLE) and a focused learning experience (FLE)?

Scheduled learning experiences are similar to what most people might call a “course” in the traditional sense of the word. It has a title like “Mission of the Church” and a defined meeting schedule (e.g., Mondays in September, October, and November from 9-11:30 a.m. CT). In Kairos, we refer to these as learning experiences because in most programs they do not award “credit” in the way that traditional courses do. Instead, they are opportunities to walk through material related to an outcome or student learning goal using a defined schedule. In that sense, they are tools to help students develop proficiency in content, character, and craft within particular outcomes.

Focused learning experiences are similar to scheduled learning experiences except that they typically tend to focus on a narrower topic and are often a shorter length of time (ranging from a day to a few sessions). Most people might liken these learning experiences to “short-term intensives” or “seminars” or “workshops.”

How do I unenroll from a learning experience on Pathwright?

If you have enrolled in a learning experience by mistake or need to have one removed from your path, please email info@kairos.edu and provide detailed information on the path to be removed.

Whom do I contact if I have additional questions?

If you have additional questions about the learning experience schedule, email info@kairos.edu. Your questions and inquiries will be directed to the person(s) best suited to help or provide assistance.


The student and mentor resources page on Pathwright is a great place to access links to other helpful resources, including the academic calendar which often lists future gathering dates beyond those found within the learning experience schedule.