January 1, 2018
As the new year begins, we pause to thank God for the opportunity to participate in the work he is doing in and through the Kairos Project. This past October during our seventh Kairos intensive, approximately 107 students from different states and continents packed into the chapel for worship as we began our week together.
Through the power and grace of God, our enrollment continues to rise, and Sioux Falls Seminary is developing a reputation for being an innovative seminary that is seeking to bring together theological education and local ministry contexts.
Over the past several months, I have been advising our Kairos Project students, helping prepare them for the journey of theological education. The stories of these students are diverse, yet similar. Each feels called to serve in a ministry context but has felt as though the traditional model of theological education would not serve him or her well.
Many of our students desire a system that involves a holistic journey, one that more fully develops them for their unique callings. The Kairos Project at Sioux Falls Seminary is that journey. Diana, one such student, recently described her experience at the last Kairos intensive:
“I know for sure that I am completely a different person because of this experience. I have always had a heart for ministry but never saw attending seminary as an opportunity because school never worked for me…it didn’t account for my unique wiring and how God made me. I am now flourishing the way God intended me to be because of the mentor team approach and the academic structure of Kairos. I never thought I would be able to make a difference in this world but the faculty and my mentors circled around me and are helping me fulfill my calling.”
We are continually amazed by stories of how God is using Sioux Falls Seminary to change the lives of our students and the lives of those they serve. Colossians 3:17 remind us, “Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
We thank God for the many ways he makes it possible for students, like Diana, to fulfill his call on their lives. Whether helping us share the story of the life-changing impact of the Kairos Project, supporting us prayerfully and financially, or referring students, you are vital to our mission and to the transformation that takes place in the lives of students. Thank you for joining us!