Originated in Myerstown, Pennsylvania – United States

Established in Myerstown, Pennsylvania, Evangelical Seminary has roots in the Wesleyan theological tradition and the study of biblical literature and culture.


121 S. College St.
Myerstown, PA 17067

(717) 866-5775

  • Integrated spiritual formation
  • Biblical literature and culture
  • Wesleyan theological tradition
  • Marriage and family therapy
  • Practical ministry

Evangelical Seminary became a part of Kairos University on July 1, 2022. It’s history grew out of a Wesleyan movement called the Evangelical Congregational Church, a group that traces its roots to the conversion of Jacob Albright, a Pennsylvania German farmer.

He had a deep desire to bring the Christian faith to his neighbors at a time when the Methodist Church did not allow worship services to be conducted in the German language. Between 1816 and 1953 God kept opening doors that would eventually lead to the founding of Evangelical Congregational School of Theology in Myerstown, PA. In 2011 the school became known as Evangelical Seminary and in 2020 it became a founding Legacy Partner in Kairos University. Over the course of the last half-century, Evangelical Seminary has partnered with the church to prepare men and women who flourish in their vocations – all the while holding true to John Wesley’s concern for “rigorous minds, passionate hearts, and Christ-centered action.”

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Anthony Blair is a Kairos Executive Partner and the Evangelical Seminary Legacy President.

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Partnering with Kairos to grow its mission, Evangelical Seminary became a legacy partner in 2020.

Legacy Partners

For nearly 70 years, Evangelical Seminary has prepared men and women for Christian vocations.

ETS’ History

We are proud to call Evangelical Seminary a Legacy Partner.

Legacy Partners